Cytogenetics (BWH)



Location: Brigham and Women’s Hospital

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Laboratory Information
Forms and Requisitions
Specimen Information


The Cytogenetics Laboratory at Brigham and Women’s Hospital performs chromosomal analysis of amniotic fluids, fetal tissue (POC) blood, bone marrow, and other body tissues such as skin, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen and body fluids.


The laboratory accepts specimens from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Monday through Friday and 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday. All samples must be labeled with the patient’s name and unit number and must be accompanied by a completed requisition (Epic or form #0010856) and brought to the Surgical Pathology Specimen Laboratory on Blake 3. Incomplete requisitions will cause processing delays or specimen refusal. If Cytogenetics is ordered in Epic and you receive an EPIC Requisition with the specimen for cytogenetics, a handwritten form is not necessary.

The following information must be noted on the requisition:

  1. Tests requested
  2. Patient’s name and unit number
  3. Date of birth or age
  4. Clinical diagnosis/reason for requesting chromosome studies
  5. Physician ordering the test and mailing address for report
  6. White cell count, if below the normal range for leukemic specimens
  7. Patient or family history directly related to the test (e.g., known chromosome abnormality, recent blood cell transfusion)

Important Information

  1. All blood and bone marrow specimens must be placed in a green top tube with sodium heparin. Lithium heparin is not acceptable.
  2. Do not refrigerate amniotic fluids, bloods, bone marrows and leukemic specimens. Call for instructions for other specimens.
  3. Lymph nodes must be processed quickly and cannot be held. These samples are very time sensitive and irreplaceable. Call the laboratory or fellow on call immediately.
  4. For questions call CAMD at 857-307-1500

Specimen Refusal

Samples which are clotted, contaminated, or collected in the wrong type tube, CANNOT BE ANALYZED and will be refused. Unlabeled or improperly labeled specimens will be refused.