Histocompatibility (Tissue Typing/HLA)



Director: Vikram Pattanayak, M.D., Ph.D., 617-643-0082

Clinical Manager: Brigid Bohan, 617-724-3301

Lab Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM to 5 PM.


This laboratory is a specialized support service, primarily for the Transplantation programs, and cannot accept full HLA typings, antibody screens, and/or lymphocytoxicity crossmatches for any other purposes (i.e., disease association) without prior consultation.

  1. Sample Delivery – Specimens should be delivered to the Blood Transfusion Service Laboratory Receiving Area (Gray 2), which is open 24 hours/day.
  2. Sample Identification – All specimens must be labeled with the patient’s full name and unit number, and must be accompanied by a Histocompatibility Lab Requisition (Form #70270).
  3. Criteria for Refusal of Specimens – The laboratory reserves the right to refuse any sample that is not properly labeled, is collected in the wrong tube or if consult is required and not done.


1.Personnel on Call – Technical personnel are on-call 24 hours/day. All STAT calls should be initiated by calling beeper #27076.

Test Menu

1.HLA typing, single antigen

2.HLA-B51 typing for Bechets 

3.HLA-B5701 typing for Abacavir

4.HLA-B58 typing for Allopurinol

5.HLA-DQ typing for Celiac

6.HLA-DQ6 typing for Narcolepsy